"Cuando se puede elegir, es obligado acertar."
"When you can choose, you must be right."

Happy Turkey Day!

En Turkey Day, los auxiliares nativos de Estados Unidos nos relatan cómo han vivido este día en España, y en Alkor.

Happy Turkey Day!


What sound does a turkey make in English?

It gobbles!

What is a male turkey called?

A Tom!

What is the name of the turkey bone that is snapped for good luck?

A wishbone!


Turkey Day Trivia

These are just a few of the Turkey Trivia questions our students and I discussed this week as we learned about our personal favorite holiday…. Thanksgiving!

In addition to pumpkin pie and green bean casserole, our favorite part of Thanksgiving is definitely the sense of community and love that the holiday fosters. Each year, family members travel across the country to be with their loved ones, working together to cook and enjoy a huge meal. In our families, it´s a great way to catch up with relatives we don´t see throughout the year, play card games, laugh until we cry, eat all too much food, and reflect on all the amazing things we have to be grateful for!

As this is our first year abroad during Thanksgiving, we were (at first) slightly worried that the holiday wouldn´t feel the same without our family. But, as Colegio Alkor slowly transformed into a red, orange, and yellow paradise with turkeys around every corner, we realized that was not at all the case!

What are you thankful for?

As we entered Alkor on Thursday morning, students and teachers alike wished us a Happy Thanksgiving. We reflected with our coworkers about how thankful we are for each other and for the opportunity to work a job that is never ever boring. Instead of eating a traditional Thankgiving with our families, we planned a friendsgiving to share together!

Classes were even more interesting – ranging from Thanksgiving trivia, to debates on Black Friday, to surveys of Thanksgiving foods! We were deeply impressed by how much our students already know about Thanksgiving, and how interested they are in learning more!


Finally, we could not believe my eyes (or tastebuds!) when we walked into the lunchroom to see PIE being served! We thought we would have to wait an entire year (or more) before we ate pie on Thanksgiving – but as always, the incredible kitchen staff of Alkor went out of their way to make our meal special for everyone – including those from other countries.

All in all, even though we miss our families, we are so grateful to have found this new family at Colegio Alkor. On Thanksgiving, it is tradition to go around the table and say what you are thankful for. Moreso than everything else, this year we are thankful for a school that prioritizes a cross cultural education in which holidays from different countries are not only studied, but experienced.

That´s all for now! Happy Turkey Day, yall!       

Anna and Karla


noviembre 29, 2019

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