"Cuando se puede elegir, es obligado acertar."
"When you can choose, you must be right."


    • Formamos parte de la Red de Centros Bilingües de la Comunidad de Madrid.
    • Dentro de la excelencia que nos caracteriza, desarrollamos un proyecto bilingüe de diseño propio que incorpora el programa de Centros Bilingües Cooperativos (CBC). Este programa permite, a través de unos exigentes indicadores, acreditar y reconocer su calidad y nivel de excelencia mediante una rigurosa evaluación externa.


  • Somos centro examinador de Cambridge. Cada año se incorporan a nuestra plantilla un equipo de auxiliares de conversación nativos, principalmente de Estados Unidos, que además de preparar a los alumnos para las pruebas de Cambridge, les proporcionan una inmersión lingüística y cultural.
  • Impartimos Francés como segundo idioma a partir de 3º de Primaria.
  • Ofrecemos Chino Mandarín como tercer idioma desde Educación Primaria.
  • Participamos en el proyecto europeo eTwinning, en el que compartimos actividades con otros colegios europeos.
  • Organizamos actividades bilingües (gymkhanas, campamentos, multiaventura…)
  • Viajes e intercambios en el extranjero.

Blog idiomas

Have Yourself a Merry Little (Covid) Christmas!

🏫 At Alkor 🏫 All of us here at Alkor have been getting into the spirit of the season with some extra cheery holiday lessons featuring Christmas carols, holiday lights, winter trivia and even briefly exploring December holidays from other cultures and religions. “Though this year we’ll be socially distant, we’ll get through it all!…...
thanksgiving cabecera

A new kind of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was started by the Pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts who chose this as a day to give thanks for their first successful harvest.  Today, we traditionally celebrate on the fourth Thursday in November with friends and family and lots and lots of good food.       This year we are all experiencing a totally…...

Halloween at Alkor

  Instead of our usual patio games and Halloween parties we all participated in some Covid-Friendly alternatives.  In first of ESO we had a great time carving and decorating pumpkins for the Jack-O-Lantern Contest.  And both teachers and students dressed up in some incredible costumes (without accessories and WITH masks). We saw werewolves, and skulls,…...

Indigenous People’s Day

Indigenous People's Day   Indigenous People’s Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October. But wait isn’t that Columbus Day? If that is your first thought, then you are absolutely correct! Columbus Day, which is a nationally recognized holiday, observes the life of a famous Italian explorer. On the same day, Indigenous People’s Day…...

Aprendemos con nativos

Somos plurilingües

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