"Cuando se puede elegir, es obligado acertar."
"When you can choose, you must be right."


    • Formamos parte de la Red de Centros Bilingües de la Comunidad de Madrid.
    • Dentro de la excelencia que nos caracteriza, desarrollamos un proyecto bilingüe de diseño propio que incorpora el programa de Centros Bilingües Cooperativos (CBC). Este programa permite, a través de unos exigentes indicadores, acreditar y reconocer su calidad y nivel de excelencia mediante una rigurosa evaluación externa.


  • Somos centro examinador de Cambridge. Cada año se incorporan a nuestra plantilla un equipo de auxiliares de conversación nativos, principalmente de Estados Unidos, que además de preparar a los alumnos para las pruebas de Cambridge, les proporcionan una inmersión lingüística y cultural.
  • Impartimos Francés como segundo idioma a partir de 3º de Primaria.
  • Ofrecemos Chino Mandarín como tercer idioma desde Educación Primaria.
  • Participamos en el proyecto europeo eTwinning, en el que compartimos actividades con otros colegios europeos.
  • Organizamos actividades bilingües (gymkhanas, campamentos, multiaventura…)
  • Viajes e intercambios en el extranjero.

Blog idiomas

Columbus day

Columbus Day

Columbus Day The basics Christopher Columbus is known for sailing the ocean blue in 1492, with a little help from The Niña, The Pinta, and The Santa Maria (and the Spanish crown of course). Columbus was meant to arrive in India, but actually landed in the Americas.   The second Monday in October is known…...

25 Ways to Cure Quarantine Boredom!

  It’s finally May.and we’re STILL in quarantine. Can you believe we’ve been at it for 50+ days now? Hopefully you’ve already completed all your tasks on your to-do list, but if you find yourself bored or need new ideas for entertainment, here’s a list we’ve compiled to help you out!     1 Reconnect…...

#StayAtHome – Alkor and the Coronavirus

UPDATE: This was written before quarantine - but spirits are still high! With everyone working together. we WILL overcome this! #stayathome   Coughing and sneezing and fever oh my!   As we all know, COVID-19, or Coronavirus, has rapidly expanded around the world. Schools in multiple nations have closed, sometimes for two weeks, sometimes through…...

February: A Month of Appreciation

After having a looooooooong January, we are ecstatic to finally welcome February into the new year! Even though February is a short month—in fact, it´s actually one day longer this time around due to the leap year—there´s lots to celebrate during it! First and foremost, the most obvious, is Valentine´s Day. The day where we…...

Aprendemos con nativos

Somos plurilingües

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