"Cuando se puede elegir, es obligado acertar."
"When you can choose, you must be right."


    • Formamos parte de la Red de Centros Bilingües de la Comunidad de Madrid.
    • Dentro de la excelencia que nos caracteriza, desarrollamos un proyecto bilingüe de diseño propio que incorpora el programa de Centros Bilingües Cooperativos (CBC). Este programa permite, a través de unos exigentes indicadores, acreditar y reconocer su calidad y nivel de excelencia mediante una rigurosa evaluación externa.


  • Somos centro examinador de Cambridge. Cada año se incorporan a nuestra plantilla un equipo de auxiliares de conversación nativos, principalmente de Estados Unidos, que además de preparar a los alumnos para las pruebas de Cambridge, les proporcionan una inmersión lingüística y cultural.
  • Impartimos Francés como segundo idioma a partir de 3º de Primaria.
  • Ofrecemos Chino Mandarín como tercer idioma desde Educación Primaria.
  • Participamos en el proyecto europeo eTwinning, en el que compartimos actividades con otros colegios europeos.
  • Organizamos actividades bilingües (gymkhanas, campamentos, multiaventura…)
  • Viajes e intercambios en el extranjero.

Blog idiomas

Happy Turkey Day!

Happy Turkey Day!   What sound does a turkey make in English? It gobbles! What is a male turkey called? A Tom! What is the name of the turkey bone that is snapped for good luck? A wishbone!   Turkey Day Trivia These are just a few of the Turkey Trivia questions our students and…...

Photosynthesis Projects. 3rd Grade

Photosynthesis Projects The third graders have been working hard the past weeks on their Photosynthesis projects. First, they learned all about the steps of photosynthesis in their Science classes. After, they were asked to use that knowledge to make a model of a plant, and explain the photosynthesis process. The kids used a variety of…...

Science Projects en Primaria

Science is Fun! Science Projects en Primaria. This month, we have had two special projects in Science classes. The students in 4th grade completed projects on different systems in the human body, and the students in 5th grade made models of the cells of the human body. These projects were a great way for the…...

Happy Halloween from Primary

The students have been very excited over last weeks for the school Halloween celebration. In American Culture classes, the native assistants have taught the students about traditions in the United States, like going to the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, and trick or treating. Some classes even got to decorate their own pumpkins, as pictured below.…...

Aprendemos con nativos

Somos plurilingües

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