"Cuando se puede elegir, es obligado acertar."
"When you can choose, you must be right."


    • Formamos parte de la Red de Centros Bilingües de la Comunidad de Madrid.
    • Dentro de la excelencia que nos caracteriza, desarrollamos un proyecto bilingüe de diseño propio que incorpora el programa de Centros Bilingües Cooperativos (CBC). Este programa permite, a través de unos exigentes indicadores, acreditar y reconocer su calidad y nivel de excelencia mediante una rigurosa evaluación externa.


  • Somos centro examinador de Cambridge. Cada año se incorporan a nuestra plantilla un equipo de auxiliares de conversación nativos, principalmente de Estados Unidos, que además de preparar a los alumnos para las pruebas de Cambridge, les proporcionan una inmersión lingüística y cultural.
  • Impartimos Francés como segundo idioma a partir de 3º de Primaria.
  • Ofrecemos Chino Mandarín como tercer idioma desde Educación Primaria.
  • Participamos en el proyecto europeo eTwinning, en el que compartimos actividades con otros colegios europeos.
  • Organizamos actividades bilingües (gymkhanas, campamentos, multiaventura…)
  • Viajes e intercambios en el extranjero.

Blog idiomas

Valentine's Day

Celebrating the many kinds of love

I introduced my 1st and 2nd of primary students to my favorite Valentine’s Day song for kids by Danny Go. I haven’t had a student who didn’t love this song. Even the most fidgety and restless children suddenly sit still the first time they hear it. I myself have been tempted to add it to…...

Equality makes dreams possible

January and February are important months for racial equality. Last January 15, the USA celebrated Martin Luther King Day. An American Baptist minister and activist, Martin Luther King Jr. is known as the leader and most influential spokesperson for the civil rights movement in 1955. He fought for the right to vote, the abolishment of…...
we are thankful for at Alkor community

We are thankful for our Alkor community

    Thanksgiving is new for me, too. Like in Spain, this American holiday is not celebrated in the Philippines, where I’m from, either. It is only when I moved to Madrid as an English language assistant that I was regularly exposed to the cultures of other English -speaking countries- both at school and through…...
Halloween at Alkor

It’s Halloween! It’s Ha-a-loween!

Halloween Alkor. Halloween originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced “SAH-win”). Held around the 1st of November, it marked the transition from autumn to winter. During this time, people believed the boundary between the worlds of living and dead became blurred. Souls of the dead were said to revisit their homes. Costumes started…...

Aprendemos con nativos

Somos plurilingües

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