"Cuando se puede elegir, es obligado acertar."
"When you can choose, you must be right."

What is World Book Day?

World Book Day is a celebration of books and reading. It aims to share a love of books with various activities targeted at schools, libraries, communities and families. Often children celebrate in Primary and Secondary schools by dressing up as their favourite characters, sharing book reviews and recommendations with classmates, and telling stories together.


The library is inhabited by spirits that come out of the pages at night.”  Isabel Allende


What is the history of Book Day?

The idea for Book Day came from the Spanish author Vicente Clavel Andrés who wanted to honor Miguel de Cervantes (who I hope everyone has heard of!) on the date of his death. Later, in 1995 UNESCO and the United Nations decided to officially celebrate World Book and Copyright Day on April 23rd which is also the anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death and  Garcilaso de la Vega and various other well known authors.


If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.”  J.K. Rowling



How are we going to celebrate here at Alkor?

Here at Alkor there are a ton of activities planned for Book Day!

The students in Secondary are creating posters with their favorite reading-related quotes from famous authors. There have been so many great quotes that I’ve seen. But my personal favorite so far has been this funny quote from a cherished childhood author Lemony Snicket.

He is famously quoted as saying, “Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them”. And I could not agree more!!




Why is reading so important?

Reading is important for so many reasons! Beyond just being an enjoyable activity, reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator for success in life, more than family circumstances, educational background, or income according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development.



I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”  Groucho Marx



Benefits of reading books

Here are some more benefits:

Brain scans show that throughout a reading period, and for days afterward, brain connectivity increases.

  • Reading builds vocabulary both in your native language and in a second.
  • “Theory of the Mind”: Research has shown that people who read fiction (stories that explore the inner lives of characters) show an increased ability to understand the feelings and beliefs of others… AKA more empathy!
  • Reading helps prevent “age related cognitive decline”.
  • Reading reduces stress and improves sleep, especially when you read right before bed.
  • Finally, during a challenging year like this one it is even more important because it has been shown to alleviate depression.



How can you celebrate at home?

Take a look at these recommendations, check them out from the library or buy them at Casa de Libro and spend a relaxing evening getting lost in a great book. 🙂

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